This is the latest of many personal dispatches on culture, healing, and spirituality from a dual Canadian-American living in Thailand. Find popular free essays here and access to the rest of Sober Soulful (including the Sobriety Series) by upgrading here:
Remember when I said I was moving to Cambodia? With just a carry-on, my partner, and two cats? Yeah, well…I’m writing to you from Thailand.
Two weeks prior to our scheduled departure—after months of deliberating over every detail and especially how to get our cats to Southeast Asia without putting them in the plane’s cargo hold or subjecting them to quarantine—our final flight from South Korea to Cambodia was canceled.
We were informed by email. There was no explanation. The flight was still accepting reservations so maybe it was personal? Is that even a thing? Problem is, that flight was the only way into Cambodia with cats in the cabin. So.
The clock had started: We had two weeks to sort out a new travel plan and life plan.