Perfect Hunger: The Body Keeps The Wisdom
Asking our body what it needs to feel energized, rested, strong, and at peace
Perfect Hunger is a new, twice-monthly series delivering bite-sized nourishment and heart-sourced guidance on food, body, wellness, and spirit. You can upgrade your subscription for full access (and take advantage of my biggest sale all year—maybe EVER) here:
If you’re feeling generous and wish to send sober birthday blessings, please upgrade for full access to Perfect Hunger and my entire Sobriety Series!
Spend any amount of time online these days, and health and wellness advice will find you. Whether you’re looking for it or not, and whether it’s actually relevant to your unique body, priorities, goals, and circumstances… it’s there, urging you to heed its message. Same goes if you’re out and about in the world: I think we’ve all had someone offer well-meaning advice about eating, exercise, or wellness—whether or not we were seeking it.
And look, I’ve made it my life’s work to learn and teach about health and wellness. First, out of necessity, when I faced a personal health crisis in my twenties with few resources and no answers. (That’s a big part of why I moved to Thailand the first time—I could afford not just nutritious food but holistic healthcare, which was out of reach in DC, where I’d just finished grad school.)
Then my self-guided studies left me hungry for more. I wanted to integrate what had helped me heal into my work. So, I switched careers—leaving behind my Master’s focus on the Middle East and my job as an Arabic translator—moved to Canada, and entered a five-year Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine program.
The program was rigorous, and my teachers were outstanding. But even then, I kept poring over books and websites on my own, especially those focused on ancestral health and eating from a biomedical and functional medicine perspective. Both my personal health journey and my eventual practice as a licensed Chinese Medicine doctor, acupuncturist, and herbalist were shaped by learning from others, in both formal and informal ways.
You know what else I learned on that journey? You don’t have to attend school, pore through the latest studies, or consult with strangers on the internet to feel better and get healthier.
There’s actually one place you’re guaranteed to find the personalized guidance, knowledge, and wisdom you’re craving: your body.
Absolutely, I encourage you to read, research, and maybe even pursue formal training if you feel called. But today, I’m going to teach you the one thing you can do right now that will give you a powerful place to get started:
How to ask your body what it needs to feel energized, rested, strong, and at peace.