Love these mantras people have shared! I like ‘Lead with love’. Just a reminder to connect to love and when I do that, I know what to do for myself and others. Similarly I have heard the suggestion to ask the question ‘what would love do?’
Lately I’ve been following Mel Robbins’ Let Them theory and it has become something I’ve found myself repeating in my head (and probably out loud too). For me, it’s an opportunity to take back power that I might normally give away where it’s not deserved.
My personal mantra is a little long. I developed it for myself decades ago after a lot of contemplation and writing out different words many times until it flowed from my heart. It goes like this, "The Universal Force (this was before I used the word God, but anything can be substituted here) will allow me to take the proper steps along my pathway, I vow to accept those steps, whatever they may be."
I have leaned on these words often when things feel tough.
"Sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something." - Jake the dog
I love this one because it holds space for trying something, not succeeding/being good at it, and keeping on trying anyway. It's vanishingly rare for anyone to be amazing at something the first time they try it. So often, giving myself permission to suck at something is literally what gives me permission to start something, and some of the things that make me feel happiest and proudest in my life are things I initially sucked at! (See: sobriety 😅) I also love that the end goal might not be success or excellence, that being "sorta good at something" is a perfectly fine result of your efforts.
Love that, Prairie. I took my first Muay Thai lesson recently and, wow, so humbling and also awesome to be a complete beginner at something. I find it does great things for my brain and carries over into the rest of my life.
I suppose Jake-the-dog's version is the less-high-falutin' version of Beckett's "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better."
This is awesome Mary, especially for the current state of world affairs! The growl can mean so many things and, to me, it is about finding the highest part of me that will stand in the space I rightfully deserve, hold strong to what I value and walk through my days with integrity. Great motto, thanks for sharing.
“It’s not that complicated.” A friend of mine says this all the time, and it has been so supportive for me.
My autistic brain thrives on complexity, nuance, and precision—often to the point of overcomplicating things beyond what’s actually helpful. This simple phrase acts like a de-tangle button, cutting through the mental knots and bringing me back to simplicity.
There was a quote in Latin I found floating around somewhere online years ago and I think about it often, it reads: "Destitutus ventis remos adhibe", which roughly translates to: "If the wind won't serve, take to the oars"
I often use this in sessions, sometimes with friends....a simple one that anyone who's ever flown has heard..."Remember to put the oxygen mask on yourself first".
When I told a massage therapist during the invasion of Iraq how upset I was about it, she said to me, "Right now there might be nothing you can do. But you have to take care of yourself so that when there is something you can do, you'll be capable of doing it."
That remark made such a strong impression on me that I've taken self care very seriously ever since.
Love these mantras people have shared! I like ‘Lead with love’. Just a reminder to connect to love and when I do that, I know what to do for myself and others. Similarly I have heard the suggestion to ask the question ‘what would love do?’
I love those, Ellie. Even just reading ‘Lead with love,’ I found myself exhaling and softening.
Lately I’ve been following Mel Robbins’ Let Them theory and it has become something I’ve found myself repeating in my head (and probably out loud too). For me, it’s an opportunity to take back power that I might normally give away where it’s not deserved.
My personal mantra is a little long. I developed it for myself decades ago after a lot of contemplation and writing out different words many times until it flowed from my heart. It goes like this, "The Universal Force (this was before I used the word God, but anything can be substituted here) will allow me to take the proper steps along my pathway, I vow to accept those steps, whatever they may be."
I have leaned on these words often when things feel tough.
Beautiful, Donna. Thank you so much for sharing. xo
"Sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something." - Jake the dog
I love this one because it holds space for trying something, not succeeding/being good at it, and keeping on trying anyway. It's vanishingly rare for anyone to be amazing at something the first time they try it. So often, giving myself permission to suck at something is literally what gives me permission to start something, and some of the things that make me feel happiest and proudest in my life are things I initially sucked at! (See: sobriety 😅) I also love that the end goal might not be success or excellence, that being "sorta good at something" is a perfectly fine result of your efforts.
Yes! I used to say something similar to my yoga students “you have to suck before you can shine”!
Love that, Prairie. I took my first Muay Thai lesson recently and, wow, so humbling and also awesome to be a complete beginner at something. I find it does great things for my brain and carries over into the rest of my life.
I suppose Jake-the-dog's version is the less-high-falutin' version of Beckett's "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better."
Something I read yesterday I’ve been thinking a lot about - finding the growl.
This is awesome Mary, especially for the current state of world affairs! The growl can mean so many things and, to me, it is about finding the highest part of me that will stand in the space I rightfully deserve, hold strong to what I value and walk through my days with integrity. Great motto, thanks for sharing.
“It’s not that complicated.” A friend of mine says this all the time, and it has been so supportive for me.
My autistic brain thrives on complexity, nuance, and precision—often to the point of overcomplicating things beyond what’s actually helpful. This simple phrase acts like a de-tangle button, cutting through the mental knots and bringing me back to simplicity.
Love that, Steve. I think it’s one I need this week. 😊
Oh… and, just to be thorough, and be precise … … … sometimes it IS that complicated. And my friends phrase helps me discern when that’s true too! 😉
Muy father said to me years ago, ehen I was in a difficult family situation, "Just think, this too Will pass" It IS my mantra ever since.
“I don’t know where I’m going, but I know exactly how to get there.” -Boyd Varty
Yes! I could use this mantra most days.
Every storm runs out of rain.
Wonderful quote
I love this!!!!!!! Powerful (and true)
I like this one! Beautifully phrased.
Like this one, a reminder that nothing lasts forever (no matter how bad).
There was a quote in Latin I found floating around somewhere online years ago and I think about it often, it reads: "Destitutus ventis remos adhibe", which roughly translates to: "If the wind won't serve, take to the oars"
Beautiful! I love this. An empowering idea
I love this and do live by it!
I opened two gifts this morning: my eyes.
[I can’t remember where I read it though.]
“Uncertainty is an invitation for discovery.”
Love this, Erin. So true, and such a great reframe in times when uncertainty gives rise to fear.
I often use this in sessions, sometimes with friends....a simple one that anyone who's ever flown has heard..."Remember to put the oxygen mask on yourself first".
“Once you become aware, you cannot become unaware.” - My Mom
So, so true.
When I told a massage therapist during the invasion of Iraq how upset I was about it, she said to me, "Right now there might be nothing you can do. But you have to take care of yourself so that when there is something you can do, you'll be capable of doing it."
That remark made such a strong impression on me that I've taken self care very seriously ever since.
Beautiful, Diana.
Many, at different points of life. These days, it speaks - you've got this, if you don't, you don't need to.
I hum to - one more try!
Yes! I've heard "You've got this" many times, but the second part is a great addition.....
One more try -- that's so relatable and helpful Bhavana!