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Welcome to Sober Soulful, a beautiful, diverse, 2,400+ member community.

As a sober writer and Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I offer a safe, expansive space for folks:

  • In recovery from or examining their relationship with alcohol and other drugs, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive patterning, online technologies and social media, overwork, perfectionism, external validation, fucked-up relationships, etc.

  • Seeking an intimate, personal exploration of addiction, sobriety, and being human.

In case you’re new to Sober Soulful and/or are seeking clear, caring support on your own journey, find a few essays that might be helpful below. You’ll also find some love notes I’ve received from this kind, generous community.

Thank you being here. Hang in there. It’ll be okay.

With love, Dana

This was perfect. I’ve rarely felt so seen, so well represented, by another person’s words.

Katherine de Vos Devine

“Beautiful, all of this. Thank you, Dana. I subscribed today because of this essay.”

Jeannine Ouellette

“As a TCM acupuncture and herb student, I enjoy your written word that weaves patterns of TCM into stories and essays. My favourite place in the world is the library picking out a new fiction novel. To see TCM come alive in modern stories helps me understand the medicine better. know…stories.”

—Laura H.

“Love what you are doing. Thank you for helping to build community here :)” 

Cecily Mak

“Dana is an incredibly kind soul and a wonderful writer.”

JB Minton

“I love reading your raw posts. When I get depressed I get really self absorbed but when I read your honest posts it reminds me that every single person is going through just as much of a chaotic experience as I am and I like your perspective on your present and past.” 


“I read about myself when I read your essay.”


“This is one of the most powerful and eloquent explorations of sobriety l’ve ever read, from the always-amazing Dana Leigh Lyons. Abstinence is an important start, sobriety is the ongoing, ever-unfolding journey. And I’m grateful to have access to wisdom from souls like Dana on mine!” 

Jane Claire Bradley

“So much love and admiration for Dana’s skill at blending storytelling, authenticity and insight into such beautifully-crafted work. Always gold.” 


“No bullshit, no pretence.” 

Robbie Vorhaus

“Excellent support readings for people who are trying to be sober. Self motivation at its finest.”

Kevin McSpadden

“My first visit to her 'stack was like expecting a quick shower, but realizing you needed a long bath. I slowed down, soaked in her words at a leisurely pace, and became a paid subscriber after reading just one post.”

Steve Henneberry

“This is my first paid subscription on Substack. She writes from her heart and has the courage and strength to talk about meaningful topics. Thought provoking and authentic.”


“Dana publishes amazing articles that have helped me during my recovery journey and I know they will help you too. Excellent stuff!”


“Honest and deeply caring. Love this approach to life.” 

Molly Moynahan

“I was reminded this morning by a friend that I am done diminishing myself for others. I get SO inspired by your writing, Dana, because you are SO real, and every time I read what you share, it makes me love you more, not less. And that’s what I want. I just want to be me, and express me, and do it unfiltered and unfettered. Not in a messy way... but raw and real... like you do. Obviously we filter some... but not in a diminishing ourselves kinda way. I don’t want to dim my light in fear that my brightness will hurt someone else’s feelings. I can’t do that anymore. I need and want to be ME—fully and completely—and let those who love me for me, to show up.” 

Steve M.

Also make sure to poke around the always growing AMA column, Early Sobriety series, Financial Sobriety series, Eating & Body series, and Hyper Online series.

From my heart to yours,